Abbreviated from announcement received from FireSafe Council of Nevada County:
Fire Safe Council of Nevada County
P.O. Box 1112, Grass Valley, CA 95945
Contact: Joanne Drummond, Executive Director
Fire Safe Council Announces Award Recipients
GRASS VALLEY, CA. February 26, 2018. The Fire Safe Council of Nevada County will honor those who have dedicated themselves to helping make our community fire safe during the 11th Annual Culinary Adventure event on April 6, 2018 at the Miners Foundry in Nevada City. The Fire Safe Council is a non-profit, local volunteer-based organization dedicated to making Nevada County safer from catastrophic wildfire through fire prevention education, fire break clearing projects, and creating nationally recognized Firewise Communities USA®. Nominations are solicited, received, and evaluated by a committee of Fire Safe Council directors before selecting those to be honored.

The Lake of the Pines Association will be honored as the Firewise Community of the Year. Their volunteer member Firewise Community committee has taken bold action to request that vegetation management for wildfire mitigation be placed in the updated Strategic Plan, as well as working with the association’s management team to assess and improve defensible space for all association properties. They have conducted tabletop evacuation exercises, poker-run evacuation drills with residents and continue to provide a disposal method for vegetation within their community to keep hazardous fuels from accumulating near homes. The Association sent staff members to the Defensible Space Advisor training course by the Fire Safe Council to ensure they were doing everything possible to help protect their community from wildfire. They have also implemented a variety of fuel reduction projects in collaboration with the Fire Safe Council and AmeriCorps crews on the ground. Their efforts are an example to be replicated by other Firewise Communities in Nevada County.

The public is invited to join the Fire Safe Council in honoring these individuals. For more information about the Fire Safe Council or the
April 6th Culinary Adventure, visit the FSCNC web site at
www.areyoufiresafe.com or call
(530) 272-1122.
The Fire Safe Council’s Culinary Adventure recognizing LOP and others will be held on Friday, April 6, 2018, from 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. For more information or to purchase tickets, go to www.areyoufiresafe.com, or call 530-272-1122.
Please click
HERE to visit the Lake of the Pines web site.
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