We’ve got a snow advisory on our hands, but we can handle it. If you’re new to the area or just feeling a little unsure, here’s some tips on what to do when bad weather hits.
1. Stay inside and stay warm.
2. Get pertinent news from local radio stations. In our area, 89.5FM and 830AM are good bets.
3. Be prepared to leave if you lose power or heat. Know where you’ll go and how to stay safe on the way.
4. Prepare an emergency kit with food, water, and medical supplies. If you need anything, judge carefully whether or not it is actually safe to go out to get it.
5. Bring your animals inside if possible and make sure they all have access to food, unfrozen water, and blankets
6. You can prevent pipes from freezing by leaving a couple of faucets trickling water. Not a lot, but enough to keep the water moving.
7. Make sure you have a dependable heating source and plenty of blankets. Wood stoves will keep you warm in a power outage, while propane and electricity may be less reliable.
8. Avoid driving unnecessarily. Even if you are comfortable driving in the snow and ice, others on the road are not. Just because you aren’t likely to crash does not mean others aren’t likely to crash into you.
9. If you absolutely have to go out, take precautions. Bring your phone, blankets, food, water. Let someone know where you’re going and when to expect you in case something goes wrong.
10. If you get stranded, stay in your car. When it’s safe, hang a bright cloth off your radio antennae and try to only turn your car on for ten minutes out of every hour to preserve fuel and battery life.
Mostly, just relax and try to stay at home. Play games, read, hang out with your family, and stay warm.
It’s just a storm; with a few precautions you’ll endure it just fine.
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