Sydey's Fish
Can a girl catch a fish at Lake of the Pines?
Sydney's Fish
Sydney Scott caught this 18″ beauty off my dock, summer 2010.
Bailey's Fish
Bailey Fink caught this keeper in Shadow Cove, at Lake of the Pines, summer 2009
Ruby's Fish
Ruby Pettit landed this lunker off my dock, Summer 2010.
Lake of the Pines has a good reputation as a bass fishing lake. You can also catch pan fish and a few catfish, but largemouth bass are the ticket. The lake has a surface are of about 260 acres with lots of coves. At the deepest point near the dam, the water is 55-60 feet. Bass plugs work at certain times of year, but soft plastic worms get most of the fish. Old timers recommend black, blue and brown worms. I’ve had my best luck with watermelon green.
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