Real Estate Nuts and Bolts

November 25, 2011

The 4 Hidden and the 4 Normal Costs of Closing a REAL Estate Transaction

When you are trying to complete a real estate transaction, you should anticipate 4 hidden expenses that are not “normal” closing costs. Normal closing costs means the money you actually bring […]
November 23, 2011

Why You Must Stop Paying Rent and Buy a House Today

You need to stop throwing money away and stop lining your landlord’s pocket. Homeownership is the first step upwards toward financial independence.
November 14, 2011

Return on Investment (ROI) for Residential Rentals

There are four reasons you should be buying rentals right now. Money is cheap.  Interest rates, even for investment properties, are at all-time lows. Home prices have […]
November 7, 2011

Rural Home Inspections

  Inspecting rural homes will  involve several system reports not usually required in urban or suburban sales.  In addition to the items discussed in our other […]
November 6, 2011

Pest Inspection Basic Training

Wood destroying pest inspections, and the costs of repairs indicated in those inspections, can be one of the most difficult obstacles to overcome in a real […]
November 6, 2011

Pre-Inspections by the Sellers

Before putting their home on the market for sale, there are pros and cons for the sellers to consider when hiring professionals for pre-inspections. Why sellers should not […]
November 3, 2011

The Costs of Home Inspections

Costs of home inspections will vary from one locale to another.   Below are typical costs incurred in Placer County and Nevada County, two counties in northern […]
October 17, 2010

What Does the Seller’s Agent Owe to the Buyer?

When I represent the seller of a property, I owe him or her the utmost loyalty, honesty, and skill. But I also have a fiduciary duty […]