Happy Conclusion!
If you are buying a home to live in, not rent to someone else or flip for a profit, but actually move into and live happily ever after, it is important to conclude the purchase with right understanding and right action.
In California you have the right to a final walk-through when you to go over to the home and check it out. It is officially called a “verification of final condition,” but mostly folks just call it “the walk-through.” It takes place during the last five days before you actually close escrow and take possession.
During ‘walk through” you are allowed three, and only three, official “questions.”
1. Is this the same house you contracted to purchase? Yes, I know that sounds silly, but it means that the house is in substantially the same condition as it was when you entered contract. It has not burned or been trashed. The sellers have not ripped off the light fixtures, taken the dishwasher, etc.
2. If repairs have been agreed upon, have they been completed in a satisfactory manner?
3. Have the sellers removed all of their personal possessions?
The sellers are not obligated by contract to be there at “walk-through.” When they are there, it is a courtesy to you. This is one of the reasons we try to keep the transaction cordial and calm.
The sellers are not obligated to clean the house unless you specifically write it into the contract. When the sellers do clean the house, it is a courtesy to you.
Cordiality, generosity, flexibility, compassion, and good manners. These qualities really pay off throughout the transaction, but especially at the end. Try to leave the relationship between you and the seller as sweet as possible, so that:
1. you can pick up the phone and call the seller with the questions you have forgotten to ask
2. the seller doesn’t bad-mouth you to the neighbors before you even move in
3. (here comes the spiritual part) so that you take possession with good vibrations and a happy heart.
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